AJC English School JRC is the students’ wing of the Red Cross that provides unsurpassable standards of didactics to its educatees, moulds their characters, infuses in them the fervour and zeal needed to face the world, "believing that today's youth are tomorrow's rulers". It is a group movement organized within our school. A team of 57 students are members in the Junior Red Cross team. Mr.K.Selvamani is the guide and counsellor for the students in JRC activities.


  1. Promotion of Health
  2. Service to the Sick and suffering
  3. National and International friendliness 




“I pledge myself to care for my own health and that of others, to help the sick and suffering, especially children and to look of all other children all over the world as my friends.”


JRC activities are formulated based on its Principles of Health, Services and Friendship. The programs are chalked out in such as way to suit occasions, locations and social requirements. Some of the activities that can be organized are indicated here.

JRC Activities at our School:

  • Promotion of Health
  • Practice of Health Habits
  • Service to the Sick and suffering
  • Cleanliness of the School Premises
  • Organizing Health Awareness campaigns in the nearby areas
  • Administrating First Aid Training
  • Coordinating Blood grouping camps for JRC members

Our School Junior Red Cross was established in the hope of encouraging younger generations to cultivate their humanitarian spirit by understanding the Red Cross principles and ideas, and by participating actively in the Movement. The overarching idea behind the Junior Red Cross is to enable the country’s youth, so that they may one day contribute, in their own way, to the establishment of world peace and the welfare of Mankind.It promotes manual training, domestic science and school gardens to improve the society. 

AJC Junior Red Cross aims to teach students the value of life and health, as well as the importance of respecting human dignity. School teachers act as sponsors for the Red Cross. Through them, the Junior Red Cross is present at all pre-university academic levels, including kindergarten and schools for children with special needs. It makes its programs available to students during their formative years and in tandem with their academic education. The Junior Red Cross aims to teach its members to “notice, think and act”. It does so by providing activities relating to the following three areas: “protection of life and health” (protecting a human life regardless of race, ethnicity and/or religion, and promoting health and hygiene), “volunteer services”(community and humanitarian service) and “international understanding and friendship” (international sensitivity i.e. teaching children how to be sensitive to and adaptable in other cultures).

Protection of life and heath

  • Learning and practicing first aid
  • Learning and practicing home nursing
  • Learning how to prevent accidents
  • Blood donation and donor recruitment

Voluntary services

  • Hospital visits
  • Care for the physically disabled
  • Services for the elderly
  • Environmental clean-up campaigns

International friendship and understanding

  • Exchange of albums, handicrafts, and other gifts with Junior Red Cross members of Sister societies
  • Exchange visits with Junior Red Cross members in other countries
  • Participation in international youth gatherings
  • International cooperation projects

Our School Junior Red Cross Disaster Prevention Education Program

The program covers the prevention method against earthquakes, tsunami, typhoon, heavy rain, lightening, tornado, snow damage, volcano disasters.

Our school Junior Red Cross Disaster Prevention Education Program targets

  • a wide range of information, ready to make an immediate use in the classroom.
  • tips from Indian Red Cross and the teachers who actually encountered to the natural disasters.
  • to motivate students to notice, ponder, and execute the action towards the disaster prevention.
  • movie material to give an accurate information and action plan per the types of natural disasters.
  • to develop the communication skill and to show the sympathetic behaviour to others suffered.

World Red Cross Day is observed every year on 8 May in our school. This day honours those millions of volunteers, staff and members across the world who protects human life and health. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of the founder of the Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Henry Dunant. He was born on 8th May, 1828 in Geneva and the recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.

On this day the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement was celebrated. World Red Cross Day is also known as World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. It is dedicated to the people who suffer from the shortage of food, several natural calamities, war as well as from an epidemic disease. Basic amenities are also provided to the people who are really in need. Our school JRC is an active member to help needy people who suffer through several disasters.

The theme of World Red Cross Day 2019 was “love”.

The theme was focussed on asking people on what they love about the Red Cross and Red Crescent. It was also focused on the understanding of the public's International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement by highlighting the diversity of their work and the universality of their approach by using a simple call to action.

The theme of World Red Cross Day 2018 was “Memorable smiles from around the world”.

The theme of World Red Cross Day 2017 was “Less known Red Cross stories”.

The theme of World Red Cross Day 2016 was "Everywhere for Everyone".

The theme of World Red Cross Day 2015 was "Together for Humanity".

This day is celebrated to get the people relief from the Natural calamities and other disaster activities in any country. Even government participate and make themes to aware people about the activities of the volunteers and their tasks in handling every type of problems in a better way. Several campaigns are organised by our School Junior Red Cross Society effectively.

Our school Junior Red Cross Society mission is to inspire, encourage and initiate all times and all forms of humanitarian activities to generate a peaceful environment. Our School Red Cross programmes are grouped into the core areas: promoting humanitarian principles and values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, health and care in the community.

Various programmes and events are organised by our school Red Cross council and its members to facilitate and promote their humanitarian activities. They even motivate students to protect their own lives and take care of the dignity of the victims. This day is celebrated to help people suffering from flood, earthquakes i.e. natural disasters and protect their life from emergencies.

The seven main principles of Our School Junior Red Cross Society are:

  1. Humanity:The main aim is to protect the life, health and to ensure respect for every human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, and cooperation amongst all peoples.
  2. Impartiality:No discrimination should be made on the basis of nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The first and foremost motive is to help the people solely on the basis of their needs and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
  3. Neutrality:The main purpose of this principle is to keep everyone neutral in providing help and the movement should not be affected by political, racial, religious or ideological controversies.
  4. Independence:We all know that this movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the movement.
  5. Voluntary Service:It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.
  6. Unity:This organisation must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.
  7. Universality: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all societies and people have equal status and share equal liabilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide

After COVID-19 outbreak, our school JRC is coordinating with all local bodies to provide support, issuing advisories, personal protective equipment, providing technical support and guidance to volunteers engaged in quarantine, screening, pre-hospital, home-based and hospital care.

Our School Junior Red Cross: Slogans and Quotes

  • The Red Needs You, Join Now!
  • You’re Somebody’s Type
  • Donate Blood Save Lives
  • Think Safety First
  • Blood Is The Donation Of Life
  • 15 Minutes Can Save 3 Lives
  • Youth On The Move
  • With each helping hand, we can bring a big change in the lives of people around us.

Our school junior red cross promotes self-awareness and empowers youth to learn about the techniques and methods that are essential for the survival of our generation as well as the next generation. We involve ourselves into lot of charity activities like helping the needy with used clothes and books visiting the orphanages and teach them as well as providing monetary benefits and adapting villages to familiarize growing practices.We organize rallies and public gatherings to spread awareness in diverse subjects.

Our school JRC council has organised mega events on various themes as follows:

Academic Year

Mega Events


Plant a Sapling: Adopt a Tree

Road Safety Week (Rally)


Awareness Programme on Plastic

Public Awareness on Dengue Fever


Rainwater Harvesting

Natural Disaster Management


Awareness on Air Pollution

Importance of Afforestation


Dental Care Programme

Awareness on Thane cyclone


Wildlife Conservation

Soil Erosion


Kamarajar birthday (Kalvi Valarchi Naal)

Awareness on Tobacco


Clean India

Public Cleanliness


Awareness on literacy to Illiterate

Classroom Cleanliness


Awareness Programme on Obesity

Training Programme on Healthy food


First Aid Training

Awareness Programme on Social Evils


Fundraising for Gaja Cyclone

Eye Care Programme


Fundraising for Kerala Flood

General awareness on the outbreak of COVID-19